About us

Launched in the year 1996, Modi Study Abroad has expanded over two decades delivering excellence in quality education and training placement to students worldwide. Your one stop solution for international studies, Modi Study Abroad have been following a trail of successful visa rate for the countries-U.K, Australia, Canada, U.S.A, Germany, Dubai, Singapore, and New Zealand.

With quality credentials and our trustworthy services, we guide students to reach the best possible academic heights based on their academic merit and financial capacity.MSA has always delivered exemplary service, mentoring students and guiding them to the best universities abroad.

The company was set up in collaboration with VIEC EDUCATION – Viv’s International Education Consultant. The purpose of this collaboration with VIEC was to endow each and every aspirant of overseas education with an immaculate pathway to accomplish their dream of advanced studies.

Our expertise and massive experience enables us to work upon the profile of a specific student to identify the most suitable program for them. We are the stepping stones to their future and we are happy and proud of the fact that our success and reputation is directly proportional to the success of our students.

  • More than 22 years of experience in ‘Study Abroad’.
  • Extensive Portfolio of reputed international institutions in Australia, Canada, Ireland, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, U.S.A AND U.K.
  • Close Alliance with several organizations and government education bodies.

VIEC- Viv’s International Education Consultant

VIEC has a network of over 43 offices in India and also established offices in Australia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Philippines, and Pakistan. The company was inaugurated in 1996 and since then around 40000 students have been placed all across the world in the institute of their choice. The company deals in the countries: Australia, Canada, Dubai, Ireland, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, U.K. and has highest successful visa rate all across the world. Slogan of VIEC is- Better Life Better Education which states the fact; VIEC has a mission to provide proficient services to its students and partner institute. VIEC achieves its mission through- Values, Integrity, Ethics and Competence.

Modi Study Abroad is a mother franchisee of VIEC and we provide assistance and counseling according to the policies and procedure at VIEC. Driving Sources of VIEC and Modi Study Abroad are teamwork and dedication; we put our efforts in each student’s profile with inherent excellence and experience and consequently tag along a triumphant conduit. 


Modi Study Abroad is determined to construct a better future for aspirants who dream high. The vision of Modi Study Abroad – “ONE STOP SOLUTION FOR STUDYING ABROAD”,

Precisely, Modi Study Abroad have a vision to make foreign education accessible to every striver with expert guidance and counseling.


Our mission is to suffice the following concerns:

  • Recommend the best study program to the students after evaluating the scholars’ profile thoroughly.
  • Assist aspirants at each level of filing visa.
  • Identifying the global trend in the field of education and likewise preparing students to grab the opportunity.
  • Provide expert guidance to the client and assist him in qualifying the global standard of education.


About Amit and Neena Modi

Amit and Neena Modi, having studied and worked in Australia, have a good insight into the Australian education system and their way of life. Their exposure to the international community of students while in Australia has also stood them in good stead, which is why they are excellent mentors too and provide good mentoring which is a vital part of the ‘Study Abroad’ process. Being the Directors of the Modi Study Abroad, their leadership has been the secret of success in the foreign education industry in India.